Get Help With Zoom
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This help page is a work in progress. Through a combination of explanatory text and audio demonstrations, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the most out of Zoom and be blessed by all that ICC has to offer. Please Contact Us if you require additional assistance or have comments or suggestions.
The following information will get you started with Zoom which is one of two aps that Interactive Christian Community's members and friends use to attend programs and engage in fellowship. Zoom is available for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android. For further information, please visit the Zoom Website.
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Zoom for Windows
Downloading and Installing Zoom
- Download the Zoom Client for Windows
- Navigate to the file downloaded in the previous step and press enter to launch the installer.
- Wait while the Zoom client installs
- Press alt-tab until focus is in the Zoom window which contains 3 buttons (Join a Meeting, Sign Up and Sign In) as well as version information
Attending a Zoom Program
The following instructions assume that you have already downloaded and installed the Zoom client on your device. The terms program and meeting are interchangeable:
- Go to the Interactive Christian Community Home Page
- Find the link for the program you wish to attend and press enter. Note that the link will appear 15 minutes before the program is scheduled to start.
- The resulting page contains, among other things, a link to attend the program on Zoom, information for joining via telephone, and the link to this help page. Find and press enter on the Attend X on Zoom, where X is the title of the program you wish to attend.
- If you have previously attended a Zoom meeting and checked the checkbox with a label like "Always allow to open links of this type in the associated ap," your Zoom client should launch and bring you into the meeting. Proceed with step 6.
- If you have not previously attended a Zoom meeting, or you have not checked the above-mentioned checkbox, press space on the checkbox with a label like "Always allow to open links of this type in the associated ap," then press tab until you hear "Launch meeting button," or "Open button," and press space.
- After joining the meeting, please do the following if you hear "recording in progress," as zoom requires that you consent to being recorded. Otherwise you are ready to participate in the meeting with your audio muted:
- Focus should be in a window entitled "This meeting is being recorded by the host or a participant," press tab until you here "Got it button," and press space.
- If focus is not in the above-mentioned window, press alt tab until you hear "This meeting is being recorded by the host or a participant," press tab until you here "Got it button" and press space. You can also press insert-f10 to get a window list, press down arrow until you hear the appropriate window title, press enter then locate and press the "Got it" button.
Note, on rare occasions zoom programs will be closed, meaning that you will need to log into the Interactive Christian Community to attend.
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
Unlike Team Talk, Zoom is full-duplex meaning that we can talk and hear each other at the same time. Consequently, we must do our best not to talk over one another.
- Unmute/mute, alt-a
- Speak while your audio is muted, press and hold the spacebar, speak into your microphone and release the spacebar when you are finished
- Raise your hand, alt-y
Listen to an Audio Demonstration of how to attend a Zoom meeting on a Windows computer.
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Zoom for iOS
Listen to an Audio Demonstration of how to attend a Zoom Program on an iPhone
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The Interactive Christian Community is a ministry of Spoken Word Ministries, Inc.